Peepli Live is the latest Hindi film to come out of the Aamir Khan's production house. Directed by Anusha Rizvi, this is a hard hitting satire about the state of farmer suicides in rural India. The well written and excellently executed movie also shows some other serious issues with a tongue in cheek irony and satire that very few movies have been able to do. Most Bollywood movies are known for their song sequences, love stories, dialogues and typical characters. Instead, Peepli's strengths lies in its
Only a couple of directors have the ability to take a well written script and churn it into prime time entertainment which not only sends a strong message but also manages to rake in good money at the box office. Peepli Live has managed to do both the difficult acts with such finesse, that one can only sit and wonder whether Anusha Rizvi is actually making a debut as a director with this film.
Thanks to Aamir Khan, who has a strong brand image, the film got extremely good marketing and promotions which is why many people did take notice of Peepli Live. For example, Peepli was the first Indian movie to make it to the Sundance film festival in USA. Add to this the fact that Aamir knows how to market his films 'very' well, and the makers of this movie could not have found a better audience.
All said and done, the film has made huge impact on the minds of the average Indian farmer and movie goer. Quite a stark contrast in a country of over 2 billion people.
Only a couple of directors have the ability to take a well written script and churn it into prime time entertainment which not only sends a strong message but also manages to rake in good money at the box office. Peepli Live has managed to do both the difficult acts with such finesse, that one can only sit and wonder whether Anusha Rizvi is actually making a debut as a director with this film.
Thanks to Aamir Khan, who has a strong brand image, the film got extremely good marketing and promotions which is why many people did take notice of Peepli Live. For example, Peepli was the first Indian movie to make it to the Sundance film festival in USA. Add to this the fact that Aamir knows how to market his films 'very' well, and the makers of this movie could not have found a better audience.
All said and done, the film has made huge impact on the minds of the average Indian farmer and movie goer. Quite a stark contrast in a country of over 2 billion people.
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